Thursday, July 21, 2011


I LOVE getting packages, so the latest groupon was a double thrill for me.

My friend is giving birth sometime very soon and I wanted to welcome the newcomers with something special. ThredUp is essentially ebay, simplified for moms (and non-moms alike). Mother's pack flat rate boxes with new or gently used children's clothing and post a summary of the contents online.

Searchers pick out the box they want according to gender and size and one week later...viola! The mail lady arrives with your package.

It was so much fun to pull out the contents and ohh and ahh over each item. The best's a bargain! Normally the boxes cost $15, including shipping. Through the groupon I got two of them for $12!

Perhaps I will post a picture of the contents after the shower so that I will not ruin the surprise.

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